How to Keep Your Home Organised and Minimise Stress
When you’re working full time and the kids are taking part in all their extracurricular activities, it can be hard to stay organised. Life can be so fast paced sometimes that it’s often difficult to stay on top of everything. This can lead to stress and feelings of overwhelm. Thankfully, we’re here to share some tips with you on how to keep your home organised to minimise the stress in your life.
As experts in cleaning, we know how difficult it can be to keep on top of regular cleaning (which is why we provide a stunning domestic cleaning service). However, we are proud to share expert tips and tricks on our blog to help keep your home a little more organised and manageable.
Find a Place for Everything
One of the easiest way clutter builds is when you don’t have a place for everything. All the items you own should be kept somewhere, whether that’s in a cupboard, drawer, or basket. And what’s great about this tip is that it makes everything easy to find. Having a place for everything also helps keep that surface clutter to a minimum, making it easy to spray and wipe away the dust every now and then.
Empty Rubbish Bins Regularly
If you empty your bins at the end of each day, rubbish won’t pile up and the rooms in your house will look cleaner and tidier as a result. It sounds odd, but trust us, it really does make all the difference (not only to the physical space, but also to your mental wellbeing).
Clean Your Kitchen in the Evening
Isn’t it so tempting at the end of the day to leave the dirty dishes in the sink and head to bed? While it certainly is the easiest option, your messy kitchen won’t disappear overnight.
Doing the dishes doesn’t take long, five minutes or so, and even less time if you have a dishwasher. Giving your kitchen a quick clean in the evenings by doing the dishes and wiping down the countertops really will make all the difference.
Learn to Say No
If you want to get organised and control the mess in your life, you must set healthy boundaries. While this point isn’t strictly about cleaning or organisation, it is one of the best ways you can reduce stress.
Learning to say no helps you set healthy boundaries for yourself and reduce stress. While it can be difficult at first, it’s important you learn to stick to your boundaries. After all, it’s not compulsory to participate in every activity, personally handle every problem that comes your way, or serve on every committee. Make some space in your life by saying no and enjoy a less cluttered and stressful week.
Have a Visible to Do List
Having a list can help you prioritise what’s important and stay productive throughout the day. And ticking those items off the list as you get them done can give you a real sense of achievement.
We recommend making a to do list and keeping it in a visible place. One of the best places to keep your to do list is in the kitchen. This is a room it’s likely you spend a lot of time in.
So, sticking your list to the fridge is a great way of remembering what you need to get done.
Clear Out Some of the Clutter
The first step in any organisation journey is to start by getting organised and getting rid of the things you no longer need. It’s amazing how quickly clutter can build up in your home from items you no longer use. If you had a look around your home right now, or even opened your closet, you would find a number of items you don’t need anymore. So, make a start on clearing out the clutter one room at a time.
Click here to find out how to minimise the clutter and organise your bathroom.
Plan Your Day the Night Before
Do you feel as though you’re constantly playing catch-up throughout the day? Do you forget appointments, always run late for work, or frequently leave items at home? When your time is unorganised, the stresses of life can become overwhelming.
One of the many things that running a successful business has taught me is to plan the day out the night before.
This might include laying the table for breakfast, putting your clothes out for the morning, packing your bag for work, or simply locating your car keys! Whatever it is, get it done the night before and things will flow far more smoothly.
It’s Okay to Ask for Help
Sometimes, we all just need a little extra help. If you’re stressed or overwhelmed by the mess in your life and you could do with an extra hand or two, our domestic cleaning service has the answer. Let us take away the stress of home cleaning. Call us today to book!