How to clean offices? This is the most frequent question we are receiving novadays. Whether you work in a small or big office, you need to get commercial cleaning services periodically to keep your workspace organised, clean and fresh. This will help you to be more proactive fresh. Also there are some additional design ideas for you to keep your workspace tidy and fresh. Here, we give you some ideas of design and functionality alterations you could make to ensure you get even more done.
Start with an Empty Room
To get the best results, and not end up having only moved the waste paper basket to the other side of the room, start off with an empty room as that gives better scope for ideas.
Find the Perfect Desk and One That’s Easy to Clean
Next, find the perfect desk and chair combination for you. Don’t stay on the beaten track of office supply shops just because that’s where you’ve always bought from before. You can have well-designed, fashionable furniture without sacrificing comfort. Make sure you can see the desk set up and sit on the chair so that you know they will go together, and your legs will fit underneath comfortably. Once these items are in place you know what space you have left.
Install Good Lighting
The lighting is imperative whether you are handwriting notes or more commonly, working via at least one computer screen. Try not to be sat with your back to the window, as it will shine directly on the screen. Similar goes for the window being directly behind the screen, as the brightness of that, behind your already lit screen, will be too much for your eyes to cope with for any length of time. If you can’t avoid this situation just install a venetian blind so you can adjust it throughout the day.
Add Plants to You Office Space
Offices can be overly ‘functional’ places; this doesn’t mean it has be uninteresting. Plants bring a little slice of nature into any room, and for some reason adding something living just alters the dynamics of the room.
Get Creative While Painting
For a more fun addition, try painting one wall in dry erase paint, which allows you to scrawl your to-do list, thoughts and ideas literally right next to you and when you finish a project you can clean it off back to its original glossy white. You will never get caught on the phone without somewhere to write a phone number either!
Organise Your Documents and Keep Them that Way
So, lets assume you’ve got the décor and seating sorted. Now for the minutiae. If you haven’t got one already, buy an external hardrive for your computer. Archive all of the documents, songs, photos and programmes you don’t need. This doesn’t mean they are deleted, just not clogging up your computer space. If you leave the hardrive attached at all times and use it to back up all of your current work too, then if, heaven forbid your computer breaks somehow, you still have your trusty hardrive that will have a copy of the presentation or spreadsheet you were working on.
Manage Your Office Cables
In addition to this, we imagine you may also have a scanner, computer, speakers or graphics tablet to plug in and this means tonnes of wires! Invest in some cable management tools such as tags that let you know which is which as well as ties that keep the miles of wire you are not using tied tightly instead of making a knotty snake behind your desk. Remember, cleaner room, cleaner mind!
Keep Your Office Space Tidy
Having a well-designed office space often provides the motivation you need to keep your office tidy. Clear and clutter-free surfaces also allow for easy cleaning by yourself or a commecial cleaner. Keep your office space tidy on a regular basis and enjoy a well-organised, managed, and tidy office space every day of the week.