Q: How do I remove the smell of stale smoke?
A: Unfortunately, most air freshener’s usually only mask odours, rather than neutralise them. Two common household products do a fantastic job of neutralising odours and… read more
Welcome to our blog! The Why Bother Cleaning blog is full of the top cleaning tips, tricks and advice from our experts. So, if you’re looking for answers to the top cleaning questions, you’re sure to find them here. We aim to provide you with all the help and advice you need to keep you home sparkling clean – even if you’re renting, have pets, children or live in a home of your own. So, why not check out our articles?
A: Unfortunately, most air freshener’s usually only mask odours, rather than neutralise them. Two common household products do a fantastic job of neutralising odours and… read more
A: Fill a sandwich bag with ice cubes and apply to the affected area for 20minutes, allowing the gum to harden. It should then be… read more
A: For easy bathroom cleaning, clean after a steamy bath or shower. The tiles, taps etc., will be much easier to clean because the steam… read more
Microwave cleaning is often awkward and frustrating. Why not try bringing a bowl of water with a slice of lemon to the boil inside the… read more
A common and frustrating problem, why not try spraying air freshener on the mirror/window and wipe it streak free with scrunched up old newspaper, it… read more
Instead of grabbing the Shake ‘n Vac to bring the freshness back, simply sprinkle baking soda onto the carpet before you go to bed, in… read more